I love this game
The drawings are so bad, but it's such a fun game, lol. FINISH IT!!!
I love this game
The drawings are so bad, but it's such a fun game, lol. FINISH IT!!!
I can safely say that that was one of the best games I've played on NG. Great job, man!!
It was kind of challenging, which is nice for a Flash game.
What you should do, is have a crosshair so you can see where the mouse is. That would be awesome.
Keep it up!! I look forward to seeing more by you.
That was pretty neat. Kind easy though.
Your mouse code was... Off.
yeah i know
Cool game
Just it lags a lot. Pretty fun to play, but the lag in the game kinda goes againts the keypress.
Potentially though, this is a great game.
Not really fun, it's too easy.
Also, the controls are really sloppy man. (I held them down)
Work on the graphics, make a POINT to it, and rewrite some of the AS. This could be a good game (potentially).
It's Okay
It's not a GREAT tutorial, but it passes.
I give it a C+.
MessiaH, you havent made anything good yourself, so go eat one.
This game was really put together well. I love the SNES-esque sprites in this game. It's a little hard at first, but its a great game.
The Interface was great, and this had some EXCELLENT ActionScript.
What the shit was that???????
I wouldn't want to play this even if it did work.
I wouldn't want you to. :)
This is a great game, 5's for everyone! YAY!
Aenima, you are probably just bad at video games.
Nice job, i really like this game.
That was a terrible game. Crappy drawings, crappy AS, and the music was bad too.
I gave it a 10 on humor because I couldnt stop laughing at how unbelievably bad it was.
ok asshole. hmm...lets look at your flash...hmm..stick figures...
any fuckin n00b can animate stick figures.
maybe you should improve on your shit before you rag on mine you shithead.
I like you, you're cute. :-)
Central Pennsylvania
Joined on 2/14/04