I like it, sirrah. Nice job.
I like it, sirrah. Nice job.
Truly ahead of its time... Nice job.
I like it.
It's a pretty original idea, even if the code for the pages is stolen. :P
Good job though, buddy. Maybe this will get its own collection (we can hope, can't we?).
Very cool, man. I love how it was synced! I can only imagine the effort you put into syncing it up!
nice job, keep up the good work!
I love it.
I can't find a single thing to dislike about this game.
Nice job.
I love you.
i love you more
hey man, great game. kept me busy for a long time! (still is)
However, one thing you should have is clicking and dragging over the letters instead of clicking on each individual one... would make things faster & easier, y'know?
Maybe keep that in mind for the next one? :D
Duly noted.
Very innovative idea! So simple, but it's so perfectly executed!
Nice concept, apprehensive gameplay, and fun^max!
Great job, 5/5!
Great game, mothatrucka.
I'm gonna go ahead and put your dick in my mouth and make you super happy.
*thumbs up*
Ah, the benifits of hard work :)
Same fate as Alien Hominid....?
Great game! The gameplay was great, the sound was awesome, and the art style was amazing. Much <3 goes to you guys (especially MindChamber :D)
However, I'm confused as to how browser differences changes gameplay speed... I know there's a huge performance difference between IE and Firefox, as I've tested it out on both, but I just don't understand how that'd make a huge difference.
This game is very reminiscent of Alien Hominid... I think if you developed the game a bit more & added a bit more story to it, this game would be good to go for a console :D!
Instant NG classic. Great job.!
Very fun game you have there. I like the original concept, and everything looked great!
Splendid job, friend.
I like you, you're cute. :-)
Central Pennsylvania
Joined on 2/14/04