THe most useful tutorial i've ever seen
This actually really helped me. I was surprised at how full of information this really is.
Definitely adding this to my favorite submissions. Great job, man.
THe most useful tutorial i've ever seen
This actually really helped me. I was surprised at how full of information this really is.
Definitely adding this to my favorite submissions. Great job, man.
No probs, happy to help
Good... but...
It's a bit too hard. The rings are too small, or the controls aren't responsive.
Other than that, it's okay.
That was pretty neat. Kind easy though.
Your mouse code was... Off.
yeah i know
What the shit was that???????
I wouldn't want to play this even if it did work.
I wouldn't want you to. :)
That was a terrible game. Crappy drawings, crappy AS, and the music was bad too.
I gave it a 10 on humor because I couldnt stop laughing at how unbelievably bad it was.
ok asshole. hmm...lets look at your flash...hmm..stick figures...
any fuckin n00b can animate stick figures.
maybe you should improve on your shit before you rag on mine you shithead.
How did this get such a low score? It's fun! but hard.
This is excellent work. It was fun. Keep it up.
a lot of my work gets low scores. I find the ones i work hardest on are the ones which get the lowest scores.
maybe i should stop making such complex games.
thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed
I like you, you're cute. :-)
Central Pennsylvania
Joined on 2/14/04